Monday, July 20, 2009


Alert: Camwhore + LONG Post it is! Read at YOUR OWN RISK!!!

I am extremely elated!!!

Yes I am!

Good things are happening aren't they??? (So do the bad ones, but we shall look upon those positive ones to make ourselves happier, right?)

I got a phone call from Nuffnang at Friday afternoon! TGIF! After I left my phone dead for 2 days!!!

I feel lucky because Nuffnang didn't choose another blogger to replace me when they can't reach me...

Got the call for the screening test at Menara Millenium at Saturday.


Woooohooo~ In fact, I'm still as excited as that day I got the phone call from Nuffnang!

I can't believe that I'm in the running in winning that Mac Book Pro! Weeeee!!!!!!

After the phone call to confirm I will attend the screening test the next day, the whole planning thingy start to run in my mind!

I was thinking:

1) What should I wear?
-Maybe something not too fancy yet not too dull! But still, what???

-Oh oh~!! I got the a pair of shorts few weeks ago and I love it to bits!!!! I shall wear that then...

-Erm... Tops leh???? Aiyo~ I think I got no decent one leh.... Anyway, I think when the time comes I know what I will wear...

2) How to make my hair looks nice?
-Oh god! With these dried grass on my head I think I will never make it!!!

-Should I tie it or what??? Tie it??? Then I have to do some research on Japanese magazine as I wanna look nice but not like a married with one kid yellow face auntie!

-Hmm~ Ya! I can go cut hair ma!!!! Good idea and a good reason to get my hair cut! I've always want to do this for months! This is a good timing!!!

3) Time Arrangement
- I have to go to haircut before the screening test. Before haircut need to eat brunch first. And this and that... Argh, I hate waking up early!!!! X_X

4) Biggest Matter of All:
- How about Xuan Xuan????? Who's gonna take care of him while I'm away all the time???

Gosh~ Saturday sure is a hectic day for me with a full schedule... Okay, maybe not full all day but for the half day it's full.

I can't even sleep well that night just by thinking the whole thing that is going to happen the next day!!! Nervous nervous~!!!

Anyway, was waken up by none other than Xuan Xuan because he keep lao gai, pushing and fake crying so I can wake up and accompany him.

It was bloody 10am in the morning I beg your pardon!!! I need more beauty sleep~!!!

Bun was up cos cannot tahan Xuan Xuan anymore and decided to accompany him. I try to pull over pillows and cover my head to hope Xuan Xuan can forget me a while (This is what I call Ostrich Strategy) but he still comes over, pulling and yelling...

I seriously can't sleep I might as well wake up and get preparing then.

I was a bit worried that the hair cut part is going to made me late for the screening test at 4pm (we're advised to reach earlier, 345pm than reach there 4pm sharp.) so I decide to have brunch earlier, but not really that early.

I'm one lucky woman to have Bun as husband as he's going to be my driver/Xuan Xuan's companion for the time when I am busy!

Had brunch at don't-know-what's-the-restaurant-name-is-which-located-opposite-Miko-hair-salon and feeling excited when I was walking to Miko.

Yes, I decided to get my hair cut at Miko thanks to Peiyue's recommendation.

A lot of people say Miko sucks but I don't think so. Yes, maybe the price is bit high compare to other hair salon but their skills are good! You can't argue about that!

I started to cut my hair at Miko when I was Form 2!!! That time Miko was not as famous as it is now... But still I like there as their skills and their professional attitude is absolutely stunning!

I will try other salon once in a while, but in the end I still go back to Miko!

Ok ok... Back to the topic!

I got no idea how the hair dresser is going to cut my hair into... I just hope it doesn't looks suck on me that's all.

After washing -> blow dry -> cutting -> perm straight to style....

and TADAHHHH~~~~~


*Reiko has FRINGE NOW!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

I've always wanted to have heavy bangs in front of the forehead because I am sick of looking the same old hair style I've gotten for 748932563782648302478902364726 years!!!... But somehow the last time I got bangs similar like this is way back after Form 5! And to tell you, I got the hair cut at Miko too~!!!

Miko Hair Salon is LOVE!!!! Love all the nice staffs you have and all the nice attitude your staffs have!!!

How's my new hair cut? Nice? Nice?? Nice??? Nice???? Nice right????? (LOL! Narcissist Reiko mode ON!)

Bun and Xuan Xuan wait me at the sofa around the corner and after the hair cut is done, when I turn to Bun and try asking him how I look I got a stupid, frown face from him. =_="

I was like: What??? Not nice??? Are you sure??? Too bad you got bad taste at fashion I suppose....

And you know what he said after we're out from the salon???

Bun say I looked like Bai Ling!!!!

WHAT THE HELL~!!!!????? Are you compare my new looks with that attention-seeking always sexpose around slut? Oh god! You must be wrong! So wrong indeed!!!!!!

I didn't want to spend bloody RM48 for something that is NOT NICE! Especially something that I will carry around with me 24/7!!!

But lucky thing is I am one satisfied customer! ^o^

After the hair cut and back at the car, it was just 2pm!!!!! My next appointment is 345pm! What are we going to do for the next 1 and 45 minutes free time???????

Bun suggest we go home first then come out again. Tiring I can say...

But who cares, inside the car is actually a very good spot for...


*Do we look like sister and brother???? XDXDXDXDXDXDXD*

*Cleopatra which doesn't gets her beauty sleep ENOUGH!*

*A close-up-act-cute post. Don't hit me! Just click the 'x' at the corner of the browser if you don't like what you see!*

*The Greatest Husband of All - No you won't get another one cos he's MINE!!! ALL MINE!!!!*


Head out to Menara Millenium after small rest at home... And my oh my I am getting more and more nervous when I was on the way to the place.

Finally reach Menara Millenium sharp at 345pm! Yay! One of the record for not being late!!!! Made a phone called to the person in charge - Zufar, and was asked to take lift and go to the company at Level 8!

*Oh! MindShare! I've been here before for the survey!!!!*

*Reiko was happily to take photos everywhere today! Just today!!! What a good hair day!*

I don't know whether the content and going-ons during the whole screening test(ST) thingy was confidential or not as we're not advise not to blog/talk about it but I shall keep my mouth shut/fingers still not to type out the content because I don't want them disqualify me or something! XD

However, during the ST I met with another pretty blogger called Alisha or something (We didn't exchange contacts or blog URL, so I just try to recall what Zufar called her as). She came along with her mum and we're chit chatting during the wait.

And they are SUPERB friendly! Friendly people always makes me feel comfortable especially at places I don't know anyone at all!

Anyway, good luck to all the bloggers (6 of them including me) and hope that I will be one of the 3 bloggers to get onto the 8TV Quickie Show! *Pray for me HARD PLEASE!*

The whole ST session ends faster than I thought. And I manage to go at 5pm! Good god! I hope Xuan Xuan wasn't too naughty for Bun to handle! Poor Bun have to carry him all around and entertain him....

Originally the plan was:

ST session done -> head to Subang SS15 Asia Cafe to do C.O.D and then have dinner there as well

But the smart me left the goods at home!!! So all the way from PJ we have to go back home to Setapak and then come out again and head to Subang Jaya.

Sorry Bun, Sorry for your car fuel burning and wasted too. I was too nervous about the ST I totally forgot about customer's goods!

Gotta meet customer at 630pm at Asia Cafe, we reached at 625pm. Yay! Another record for not being late! Today sure is a good day~!

The federal highway was a bit congested, after reach Asia Cafe, watching at the big screen for projector only we realise it was the match between MU and Malaysia team!!! No wonder a bit jam la~ (And to my fear, I didn't realise it was Bon Odori too!!!!!! Oh god! I'm surely missed out a lot of things in my life!)

And out of sooooo many choices of food at Asia Cafe, I chose this one instead of others:

*Rice with Cereals and Taiwan Famous Spicy Boneless Chicken Chop!!! Ok nice~*

Eating while watching the match between MU and Malaysia. MU was leading 1 - 0. I know all of us was thinking how pity Malaysia is going to get beaten up again and suddenly, Yahya (One of the player from Malaysia Team) kick in and score for Malaysia!!!!

1 - 1!!! What the hell is happening???

Lots of people is watching, stunned a bit when Yahya scored and cheer out loud for Malaysia!!! Wow~ It was fun watching the match.

After the half time break, me and Bun are still sitting there watching.

Not long after the second half started, Yahya scored again! MU's mistake I supposed but who cares??? Malaysia got 2 goals!!!!!

Alex Ferguson can't even smile when the camera take a clear shot of his expression when Yahya scored! LOL!!!!!!!

We didn't finish watch the match. Xuan Xuan was a bit cranky, don't want to stay at a same old place anymore. He wants to walk around.

Bun suggest we go watch Transformers 2 at Cineleisure (Now rename to e@Curve!)!!!

I knew this day will come. Bun always finding chances to make it up to me cos it's been so long since I last watch movie... Last year August I think, before giving birth of Xuan Xuan.

Almost a year I didn't step into cinema! Scary or not????!!!!

And yet I get to watch the movie I've been waiting for 2 years!!!!!!!!!

Wow~ I sure got a lot of envy/jealousy from you guys for having such good husband eh?! Hahahahahaha XD

Reached Cineleisure Oops! E@Curve, look at the notic board and saw a 9pm show for Transformers 2 and it was in GREEN! Awesome!!!! No one wanna watch T2 already cos all aim for Harry Potter and Ice Age 3!

And turn out I was wrong~ So damn wrong that the 9pm show is for Platinum class cinema. Normal one upcoming time slot is 1115pm! Freaking 3 more hours to wait before the show starts! And the tickets are selling fast too~

How how??? Watch or not to watch??? Hesitate a bit but made the decision : WATCH!

And immediately regret after paying for the tickets.

We have to linger around at the same time accompany and play with little devil Xuan Xuan for bloody 3 hours!!!

Just think of it makes me feel tired, not to say the driver of the day - Bun.

We walked to The Curve to seek for some place to stop by.

*Jurassic Park Manager Spotted! With whole car of dinosaurs!*

*He was quite amused with it. We didn't put coin for him to ride. Not going to form a habit for him to ask for money for this kind of ride in the future!*

Went to this lil playground located at one corner of the shopping mall. Was full of walking toddlers! Cute and happy they are. Xuan Xuan is happy too playing there. Too bad he still unable to walk around...

*One of Our Stop: Baby's Room! The most comfortable place you can find in a shopping centre!*

Just around the corner, two seated sofas were spotted, another stop again!:

*Since I showed him the MV of Super Junior's Sorry Sorry, Xuan Xuan started to train his 'Mou Yeng Sao (Cantonese) = No Shadow Hand dance move!*

And then I discovered a hidden playland inside Anakku!!! So good you can let babies crawl and play with all the toys provided in there!!! And plus, bench for parents who are tired of standing!!!! Yipeee~!!!!

*He likes Lego-look-a-like toys, especially colorful one!*

We stop by Anakku till they close! How tak malu we are... While we're still lingering around and trying to find place to stop by cos it's just bloody 945pm... I spotted that there's no one at the bedroom area of The Apartment!!!!

How lucky we are!!! We can let Xuan Xuan crawl, stand, roll, or do whatever he wants on that big, comfy bed!!!!!

*Very busy testing the quality of the bed and the table!*

Once you're at good ambience cafe plus in good mood with good hair to show off, camwhore is a MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!

*I like these shots of mine, looks pure... Hahahaha XD*

*Bun don't want to reveal his so-call-shitty-lame-face to my camera which is indirectly to my blog! LOL! Wise decision!!! Abo the whole world sees your shitty face!*

*My RM13.90 so-call-iced-chocolate! Just a whole cup of UHT milk + chocolate syrup base. Bun claims he can make this drink... Do you believe that?*

*Mother and Son pic = EPIC FAIL!*

*Chocolate Drink and White Balls~ a bit Like marshmallows...*

Honestly, I wanted to blog about the 1st-movie-I-watch-after-almost-one-year-giving-birth-to-Xuan-Xuan but I was soooooooooooooooo bloody tired that I actually used 3-4 hours to write THIS POST!!!!!

And now I can see the sky is turning into light blue and heard birds chirping!!!!

So, for my very unique experience of movie watching with my family, I'll save it for the next post k!?

Haha~ You cannot say not OK also because I already decided to do so!


P.S: I know you think I look nice with my new hair right??? Muahahahahahahahahahaha XD


  1. Kim-chan10:44 AM


    Your hair is nice!
    I have fringe too LOL!!!!
    But you look cuter than me XDDDDDDDD

    Ohhhh I also wish you good luck and can reach to top 3, and get the Mac Book Pro XDDDDDDDDD!!!!~~~~

    Sekarang I know you live around setapak area...haha XD but still kind of far from Kepong LOL

    hahaha! I'm jealous you have a good husband. But no worries, will wait for the right timing for me and shape him as a good bf/husband too, just like you XDDDDDDDDDDD

    *lalalallalalalala* no la, actually I'm happy for you =)
    Good husband, less stress worries, live life happily =D

    Transformer 2 very evil wan....T^T tickets selalu sold out. now I'm worry for Harry Potter, hopefully dun sold out again.

  2. ur hair is nice..i like ;)

    xuan xuan's shirt's colour was nice.. i like the colour combination of pink+blue on stripes..

    whaaat?u totally forgot bout bon odori?wtf..i wanted to go but i have to go for man utd's match on that very same was clashed too bad :(

    and transformers 2 was nice rite? :) but i prefer's last year's the dark knight..coz the storyline is more interesting..and acting too..transformers 2 has superb CGI effects..

  3. Reiko4:01 PM

    Haha~ Thanks for your compliment.
    I think the hair style was nice, but not to my husband >_>
    I think you look cuter leh as you're young!
    I'm already an old, yello face auntie T_T

    Ya, I live at Setapak (Didn't I tell you that?)
    And so does Kei!!!
    If you happen to be around here, tell us we can come out yum cha! XD

    Life is not easy always... Sometime we only see the good side of others I guess.
    There's so much to learn in life and hopefully we can success in controlling our lives and lead it to a better life! ^^

    So you got a bf?????
    Who is he????? Haha Intro Intro!!!!!!

    You wait one more week la then only go watch.
    Or make reservation through internet or phone
    then sure got tickets for you lo! XD

  4. Reiko4:04 PM

    LOL! You can no need like my hair!
    But thanks for your compliment! :D

    Xuan Xuan's shirt is KikiLala leh~ Nice right???? Haha~ But it's a gift from his aunt.

    No, I didn't forgot that day got Bon Odori, it's I DON'T KNOW THAT DAY GOT BON ODORI AT ALL!!!!!!! I only realise it when I check on the news feed in FB that some people upload photos of the event the next day. LOL! I'm superb outdated!!!!!

    Transformers 2 ar? Ok nice lo~ But not as nice as the first episode lo. I like the 1st one more.... LOL! Shall talk about this the next post!!!! XD

  5. plantagirl`5:59 PM

    Hey, I like your hairstyle so much lar.. U look SUPER pure.. Young and pretty mum.. Where is the MIKO..? I want to try to have a hair cut there lar.. Is it exp..?
    O, another thing, wish u luck on the screening ya.. ^^

  6. Reiko1:53 AM

    Haha~ Thank you thank you... You say till I paiseh liao *shy*

    Miko ar? Got alot of place got Miko... Puchong there also got! Just beside the Giant there, and the Shabu Shabu! I know one hairstylist there, he used to cut hair for me last time, called Edison! You can find him.

    Wash and Cut for professional hairdresser is RM48, consider not cheap la but if once in a while ok lo...

    Haha~ Thank you! Hope I get through~ :D

  7. plantagirl12:16 PM

    Haha, no worry, i'm jz telling the truth.. hehe..
    Puchong at Giant there ar.. But then u cut it at Setapak is it..?
    Edison lar, okok.. Maybe I will look for me if I wan to change for hairstyle.. 
    Like ur hairstyle a lot lar.. ^^

  8. Kim-chan3:41 PM

    No la, as long as you are happy and stay strong, no matter what age you are in, willl pretty also. =) I mean natural beauty XD

    but...yellow face autie ;____;...ehhhhhh

    XD XD i watched jor transformer 2 dunno when a...LOL first week it released. I beratur very very long in the early morning hahaha XD

    no no nyo bf yet LMAO~ hahahah
    if ada, me sure tell you and kei-chan LOL!~

    I sometimes pergi setapak...~..haha now i only know you stay there LMAO!~ YOSH! Yum cha one day, XD

  9. Reiko6:52 PM

    Haha~ Okok! Come find us yum cha!
    Setapak here have alot of special cafe etc!!!
    Wait for you ya! ;)

  10. Reiko6:53 PM

    Now you're working right?
    Sure hectic schedule lo....
    Anyway, free come out yum cha or gathering la!
    Haha XD

  11. LIZZIE12:56 AM

    Hye there Reiko.. Wahhh stumbled upon ur blog accidentally actually.. And a little surprised to find you "puji" me and my mom as SUPERB *blush*.. Hahaha.. Ya lor, forgot to even ask your blog url la. Haiya.. I was thinking too much and fidgeting for waiting too long until I forgot wor.. Sorry.. Hehe..

    Hope there'll be good news for us both soon on this matter. And, hehe.. Cute boy you have there. No wonder ure so in love with him! *^_~*

  12. Reiko2:35 AM

    LOL! Hi Lizzie!!!!! Nice to see you around! I thought our encounter is going to disappear like wind~ Luckily you found me! ;)

    I already favourite your blog and soon will be added to my list of blogs I read!!! Hehe~

    P.S: Your post of the slithering friend in toilet gives me cold chill!!! o_O""""""

    P.S.S: Good Luck to you too for the Lurve Affair Contest! ;)
